Solar Lights
Solar Lights can change people’s lives dramatically. Many people in rural Africa have to use kerosene lamps to light their homes at night. Activities like reading, writing, cooking, and working i.e. in little cottage industries require lights. A solar lamp can provide bright, clean light for up to 6 hours…

Solar Pumping Systems
Pumping water in rural Africa can be a dirty business. To pump water from a well or water hole, people use either ropes and buckets or have to rely on a noisy and expensive generator. This generator needs a lot of maintenance and a steady supply of diesel, which can be a problem in remote parts. Solar pumping systems can do this work with no maintenance and costly fuel supply…

Solar Thermal Systems
Africa may be the hot continent, but there may be the need for hot water for some institutions like hospitals, kitchens and staff barracks. Solar thermal systems can provide hot water for showers, cooking and cleaning, sterilization of equipment and more. Also, water can be sterilized for drinking. Especially, where hygienic reasons come into play, thermal solar systems can play a role in the water supply…

Solar Cookers
Finding firewood in a semi-desert is often a big problem in sub-Saharan Africa. People have to walk far to find firewood and the deforestation caused by cutting down trees can have a huge impact on the supply of water and arable land around communities. Desertification of an area is often a problem many people face with nowhere to graze their livestock or grow vegetables. Solar cookers can provide an alternative to fires and charcoal stoves, again reducing health risks and environmental impacts. Solar cookers are made of affordable materials and are easy to use…
